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​The Alberta Professional Fire Fighters & Paramedics Association takes great pride in representing professional firefighters, paramedics, and dispatchers in 21 communities across Alberta and the North West Territories. Each year, the APFFPA holds its annual Legislative Conference and attends the IAFF's Canadian Legislative Conference in an effort to advocate for frontline members. By meeting with elected officials, our goal is to convey the issues that our members face, while working towards achievable solutions. 

  • Finding real solutions to Alberta's EMS crisis 

  • Providing all firefighters that worked on the Fort McMurray Fires presumptive WCB cancer coverage should they receive a cancer diagnosis

  • Inclusion of the occupation of Fire Fighter as a data collection point for the Alberta Cancer Registry to act as a baseline for much needed data surrounding occupational cancer diagnoses amongst Alberta firefighters

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  • Gain access to key information on wages, benefits and working conditions to use in negotiations, arbitration and other meetings with local decision-makers

  • Work with partners in labour to lobby for employment rights

  • Provide up-to-date online resources to address and assist with issues and challenges facing affiliates and members

  • Provide assistance developing union messages and communications to members, the media, elected officials, decision-makers and the public

  • Provide financial assistance for small locals to attend educational training and conferences

  • Work with the provincial government to recognize and improve firefighters’ health and safety for all of Alberta’s professional firefighters




Codey McIntyre


Codey was elected as President of the Alberta Professional Fire Fighters & Paramedics Association (APFFPA) in May of 2023. Before being elected to the APFFPA, Codey was the President of Calgary Firefighters Association IAFF Local 255. He was first elected to the Calgary Firefighters Local 255 Executive Board in 2015 and served in a variety of positions, including: Vice President and Executive Vice President. Codey has been a member of the Fire Service since 2005 and is currently a Firefighter with the City of Calgary Fire Department. 



Dan Henschel

Executive Vice President

Dan was elected as the Executive Vice President of the Alberta Professional Firefighters & Paramedics Association (APFFPA) in May of 2023.  Prior to his election to the APFFPA, Dan has been the Secretary-Treasurer of the Red Deer Firefighters Association IAFF Local 1190 since 2019.  Dan has worked extensively with community groups in the Red Deer area doing charitable work and currently holds the position of Training Officer with Red Deer Emergency Services. 



Elliott Davis

Secretary - Treasurer

Elliott was elected as the Secretary / Treasurer of the Alberta Professional Fire Fighters' & Paramedics' Association in November of 2023. He has also served as the President of Strathcona County Professional Fire Fighters' Association and was previously the Secretary of the provincial board. Elliott is also the IAFF's 6th District EMS Committee representative and has been a Fire Fighter / Advanced Care Paramedic for nearly 20 years.  He markets his successes in organized labour to strong union mentors early in his career and being focused on cultivating excellent relationships throughout his work.  Elliott lives in Sherwood Park with his wife and three children.


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